vase edition
For the florist the relationship between vase and flowers is crucial. Perhaps the most important tool they have as floral artist when creating unique and exceptional arrangements.
This series is the product of a cooperation with Anatmoie fleur and is inspired by there name ,Anatomie’ and therefore based on the idea of the relation between human body and the objects around us.
Assumed that when we talk about our body, we evoke something that is both physical and imaginary. That means that bodily “wholeness” cannot be entirely material, but always involves an immaterial supplement.
Starting with the aesthetic vision we decided to work with the malleability of blown glass and a nude color palette, relating the design of the vase to the human body but also its skin´s particularities (like flesh outgrowth) considering the Beauty in the Unusual and the Unaesthetic. Therefore I designed a modular mould which leads to the result in form and appearance is a unique specimen. Each modul could be changed and adjusted.
forms (selection)
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© 2016 — 2024 Katharina Ruhm